National park
České Švýcarsko (Bohemian Switzerland) National Park was established in 2000 as the fourth national park in the Czech Republic and has a territory of 79 square km. Along the national boundary, it borders the German Sachsische Schweiz (Saxon Switzerland) National Park established in 1990 with a territory of 93 square km . Bohemian Switzerland National Park was established mainly to protect the unique geomorphology of the sandstone rocks, the interconnected diversity of ecosystems, and plant and animal species. Both in Bohemia and Saxony, protected landscape areas surround the nationl parks. Together, they form the Elbe Sandstones geomorphologic unit, which covers an area of about 700 square km. The bilateral unit of the Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks is a representative example of block sandstones of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, which is unique in Europe in its area with minimal human settlements.
More information about the Bohemian Switzerland National Park you can find on official web sites Further detailed information about national park on and